UAE Population By Nationality

UAE Population By Nationality

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) population is 9.9 million, according to the CIA World Factbook. The UAE population comprises various nationalities, with Emiratis comprising only a small percentage, around 10-15%.


The remaining population includes expatriates from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, and the Philippines, among others. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the most populous cities in the UAE. The UAE is known for its diverse population and strong economy, attracting many foreign workers to the country.


We will examine the UAE population by nationality and the different groups that make up this unique and diverse society.


Population Overview


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a diverse population with many nationalities. According to official statistics, most of the UAE population are expatriates, with Indian and Pakistani nationals being the largest resident communities. Emiratis make up around 10-15% of the total population.

Total Uae Population

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is home to a diverse population of expats worldwide. According to recent statistics obtained by the country’s Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority, the UAE population was over 9.8 million at the end of 2020. This figure includes both UAE nationals and expatriates living in the country.

Breakdown Of Nationalities

The UAE is a melting pot of different nationalities, and the breakdown of its population by nationality is as follows:

  • Emiratis – As of 2020, Emiratis make up only 11.5% of the total population of the UAE, with a recorded number of 1.2 million.
  • South Asians – The largest expat community in the UAE is South Asians, with Indians constituting 27.5% of expats, followed by Pakistanis at 12.5% and Bangladeshis at 7.5%.
  • Arabs – Other Arab nationalities are the second-largest group of expats in the UAE, with Egyptians at 6.6%, followed by Jordanians at 2.5% and Syrians at 1.8%.
  • Westerners – Western expats make up about 10% of the total expat population in the UAE. This group includes Americans, British, and Australians.
  • Others – The remaining population comprises people from several other nationalities, including Filipinos (5.5%), Iranians (4.7%), and Chinese (2.5%).

The UAE’s population is expected to continue growing in the coming years, mostly due to increasing numbers of expats of different nationalities flocking to the country in search of better opportunities and a higher standard of living.

Top Nationalities


Discover the top nationalities residing in the UAE with facts and figures. Get insights into the population of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ajman, and Umm Al Quwain, including demographics by nationality, gender, and Emirate. Find out the percentage of Emirati population and key information on the racial makeup of Dubai.

Top Nationalities in UAE Population by Nationality The United Arab Emirates is known for its multicultural population, with various nationalities residing there. However, some nationalities are more prevalent than others. Let’s take a closer look at the top nationalities in the UAE population by nationality, including Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Egyptian, and Emirati.


The Indian population in the UAE is the largest expat community, with over 2 million Indians residing there. Most work in various industries, such as construction, healthcare, and information technology. The Indian community significantly impacts the UAE’s economy, contributing to its growth and diversity.


The Pakistani community is the second-largest expat community in the UAE, with over 1.5 million Pakistanis residing there. Most of them are labourers and engineers who work in the construction industry. The Pakistani community also contributes to the UAE’s economy by sending remittances to their home country.


The Filipino community is the third-largest expat community in the UAE, with over 676,000 Filipinos residing there. Most of them work in the hospitality, healthcare, and retail industries. The Filipino community is highly respected for their hard work, dedication, and contribution to the UAE’s economy.


The Egyptian community is the fourth-largest expat community in the UAE, with over 337,000 Egyptians residing there. Most of them work in healthcare, education, and construction industries. The Egyptian community significantly impacts the UAE’s economy, contributing to its growth and development.


The Emirati population makes up only a small percentage of the UAE’s population, with over 1 million Emiratis residing there. However, the Emirati community plays a significant role in the UAE’s government and society, with most holding high positions in various sectors. In conclusion, the UAE has a diverse population, with various nationalities making it their home. The Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Egyptian, and Emirati communities are the top nationalities in the UAE population by nationality, each contributing to the country’s economy and society in unique ways.

Reasons For High Population Of Certain Nationalities


The high population of certain nationalities in UAE is due to various factors such as job opportunities, lifestyle, and cultural similarities. According to official statistics, Indian nationals comprise the largest portion of the population, followed by Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals.


Emirati nationals make up only a small percentage of the total population.

The UAE is known for its multicultural environment, with people from all over the world residing there. The UAE’s population by nationality shows that most residents are ex-pats and only a small percentage of Emiratis. While different countries have different reasons for moving to the UAE, some nationalities have higher populations than others. Here are some of the reasons why:

Historical Ties

The UAE has always been a significant trading hub that links the East and West, making it a desirable location for people worldwide. Additionally, some countries, such as India and Iran, have long-standing historical and cultural links with the UAE, leading to a higher population of these nationalities.

Economic Opportunities

The UAE offers abundant economic opportunities across various sectors, making it an attractive destination for job seekers. The country’s diversification drive has resulted in several industries thriving in the UAE, such as technology, construction, hospitality, and finance. As a result, certain nationalities such as Indians, Pakistanis, and Filipinos, have a vast expat population in the UAE.

Education And Employment

The UAE has an excellent education system and attracts students from all over the world who choose to study and eventually work in the country. Some nationalities, such as the British and Americans, also have a higher population in the UAE due to employment opportunities in the education sector and other industries such as oil and gas. In conclusion, the UAE’s population by nationality is diverse, with residents from over 200 countries living there. While there are several reasons why certain nationalities have a higher population than others, the UAE’s multicultural society has proved to be a success and continues to attract people from different parts of the world.

Impact Of The Expatriate Population On Uae


The expatriate population has significantly impacted the UAE. Data on the UAE population by nationality reveals that more than 80% of the country’s population comprises non-citizens. This demographic shift has influenced the country’s social, economic, and cultural landscape.

Cultural Diversity

The UAE is a country that embraces a diverse population, with over 200 nationalities living and working within its borders. This diversity is celebrated and reflected in the country’s culture, food, arts, and traditions. Each community brings its unique identity to the UAE, making it a global melting pot of cultures. The expatriate population has played a significant role in making the UAE a cosmopolitan hub, where people from all over the world come together to live, work, and build a better future.

Economic Growth

One of the major impacts of the expatriate population on the UAE is the economic growth it brings. The country has experienced tremendous economic growth over the past decades, thanks to the influx of people from various countries who have invested their skills, knowledge, and labour into its development. The expatriate population has worked in various sectors of the economy, including oil and gas, construction, finance, tourism, healthcare, and education. Their contributions to the economy have helped the UAE become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The UAE government has also implemented policies that attract expatriate workers and investors to the country. These policies include tax exemptions, business-friendly regulations, and the provision of world-class infrastructure. These measures have encouraged many worldwide to come to the UAE and contribute to its development. In conclusion, the expatriate population has significantly impacted the UAE, contributing to its cultural richness and economic growth. The country’s diversity and inclusive policies make it an attractive destination for people worldwide. The UAE’s success story is a testament to the positive impact of welcoming people from different backgrounds and working together to build a better future.

Government Policies


The UAE has a diverse population of various nationalities, with Emiratis making up the majority. Other top nationalities include Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis. Demographics play an essential role in shaping the government’s policies towards social and economic development and immigration and labour laws.

Visa Regulations

If you are planning to visit or work in the UAE, knowing the visa regulations is important. The government has put in place strict visa policies to maintain the country’s stability and safety. Nationals of some countries are allowed to enter the UAE without a visa, while others require one. The different types of visas include tourist visas, transit visas, and employment visas.

Nationalization Programs

The UAE government has implemented various nationalization programs to increase the ratio of Emirati citizens in the workforce. One such program is the Emiratization program, which requires private companies to employ a certain percentage of Emirati citizens. The government also offers special training programs, incentives, and subsidies to encourage companies to recruit Emirati workers. These programs aim to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign workers and increase Emirati citizens’ participation in the workforce. Moreover, the government has implemented programs such as the UAE Vision 2021 to make the country one of the happiest and most prosperous in the world. These programs focus on education, employment, and infrastructure development, which have helped to improve the living standards of citizens and residents alike.


In conclusion, the UAE government has implemented strict visa regulations to ensure the country’s safety and stability. The nationalization programs aim to increase the participation of Emirati citizens in the workforce, thus reducing the country’s dependence on foreign workers. With these policies, the UAE can continue its growth and development in the coming years.

Future Population Trends


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a diverse population with various nationalities. According to official government statistics, Emiratis comprise only around 11% of the total population, while most residents are expatriates from other countries like India, Pakistan, and the Philippines.

Population Growth

The population of the United Arab Emirates has been growing rapidly over the past few decades. According to the CIA, the population reached 9.9 million in 2020. It is expected to grow steadily, with the UAE government aiming to attract more foreign workers and tourists.

Trends In Nationalities

The UAE is diverse, with people from various nationalities calling it home. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Emirati population accounts for only about 11% of the total population in the country. Most of the population comprises expatriates, with the Indian community being the largest, followed by Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Filipino communities. Over the years, there have been fluctuations in the population of nationalities in the UAE. For example, in recent years, there has been a decline in the number of Western expats due to the economic slowdown. On the other hand, the number of Chinese and African expats has increased significantly. With the UAE government’s commitment to economic growth and development, the country’s population will likely continue to grow steadily. However, as the country becomes more developed and attracts a wider range of industries, it is possible that the composition of the population will change. It is also possible that there may be shifts in the nationality of expats in the UAE, depending on global and regional events. Overall, the future of the UAE’s population remains uncertain, but it will surely remain a diverse and vibrant country.



Frequently Asked Questions On UAE Population By Nationality


Which Nationalities Are More In UAE?


The UAE has a diverse population with a mix of nationalities. Unfortunately, I cannot provide an exact answer to the question “Which nationalities are more in UAE? ” As information on exact percentages or numbers of nationalities is not readily available.


However, according to available data, the Emirati population makes up around 11% of the total population, while other nationalities, such as Indians, Pakistanis, and Filipinos, also make up a significant percentage of the population.


What Percent Of UAE Population Is Emirati?


Around 11. 48% of the UAE’s population is Emirati, according to 2021 estimates.


What Is The Racial Makeup Of Dubai?


Dubai’s racial makeup is diverse, with various nationalities residing there. The majority of the population consists of expatriates and immigrant workers. The Emirati population is small, comprising only 10-15% of the total population. There is no one dominant racial group in Dubai.


How Many Americans Live In Dubai?


Public records do not provide the exact number of Americans living in Dubai. Nevertheless, Dubai has a considerable expatriate population, and Americans constitute a small percentage.




To sum up, the UAE’s population consists of various nationalities, with a significant number of expatriates residing in the country. While Emiratis comprise a relatively small portion of the population, the country welcomes people from diverse backgrounds who contribute to its growth and development.


Understanding the demographics of the UAE can help shape policies and strategies that ensure a harmonious and prosperous society for everyone.

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